Monday, October 7, 2013

The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Post

1. Thank the tagger and link them in the post.
2. State that this tag was created by The Beau Bow.
3. Copy and paste the rules.
4. Tag some more beauty bloggers and link them to the post.
5. Title this The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Post so readers know what the post is about.
6. Have fun!
Thank you Liz(lizlovesmakeupx3)  for tagging me!
1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do.
 I rarely do much with my eyebrows. I only recently started using clear gel.  I do try to maintain them with tweezing but I haven't had them waxed in years. I also don't do much with my hair besides the basics (washing and brushing). I do want to try curling it though. Maybe do that every so often.  
2. Is washing your make-up brushes something you do regularly?
No and everyday I always think I gotta wash my brushes. I actually did last Friday though, very much overdue.
3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
Since I started working two jobs, longer than I would like (I typed this with chipped nail polish).  When it gets really bad though I will just take the polish off and if I am to tired to do them I will sometimes go awhile with no polish on (as I am right now). 
4. How long do you put off buying/ replacing a beauty or nail polish product, even if you need it? (e.g. purchasing a new top coat or foundation)
Most of the time I buy a new one before I run out. 
5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Not washing my face on days when  I don't go out and I am just hanging around the house. I have gotten better about washing my face before bed (and taking my makeup off).
6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off all the time.    
Cleaning my bathtub/shower. Its not super dirty but it could use a good cleaning. There is so much effect involved which includes getting in the tub and getting wet. I have started using a daily shower spray which you just spray on after your shower and leave, and that seems to help a bit. 
7. When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready to last minute or not?
 I usually don't wait till the last minute to get ready, especially if I am wearing makeup.
8. Can you commit to a spending ban?
I am more careful now with spending my money but I don't know if I can do a actual spending ban. I have thought about it though.
9. How organised is your make-up and nail polish collection?
I think they are pretty organised. It works for me so that is the main thing.
10. What is the longest amount of time you have gone without writing a blog post?
To long. Finding it hard to find the time and energy since I started working two jobs.

I don't know anyone to tag, so I will just tag everyone.  If you do this tag let me know in the comments.


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