Another quick nail post. Since it is almost September I decided to go with a deep dark red. The red I used is Ruby Ruby by Sinful Colors. This red made me think of apples, which made me think of school, which for many starts in September and that is how I decided to pick this color this week.
I used my usual Sally Hansen Insta-Dri and I did a accent nail with Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in Diamonds. Pictures of those two polishes in my previous nail post.
Till next time. :)
Read this book!
"May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor"
Today I spent the afternoon finishing the last book in "The Hunger Games" trilogy Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. Now I will admit I was late in reading this series. It wasn't until I read a article in a magazine about the movie, 2 weeks before the movie hit theaters that I decided I wanted to read the books. And even though I had tried to read the whole first book before I saw the movie I wasn't able to finish it in time and ending up reading the last part of the book after seeing the movie in theaters. As it always happens when I see a movie and then read the book, while reading the books I saw the actors who played the characters in the movie in my head.
I am not sure why I didn't read this series earlier. From the first book to the last it kept my interest and kept me wanting to read more. Now I am really looking forward to seeing the movies that are based on the second and third books. I also want to buy the first movie to re-watch it and watch all the bonus features.
All three books have a ton of action in them. I am not going to go into detail about plot because most people pretty much know the plot(s) of at least the first book.If you have seen the movie and have not read the book(s) I suggest that you should read at least the first book (which will probably leave you wanting to read the next two, Catching Fire and Mockingjay,the movie for Catching Fire doesn't come out until November 2013). In my opinion books are usually always better than the movie, even if the movie is good, there are just so much more details you get in the book that you can never get in a movie. Which is true in this case. The movie was good and stayed as close as it could to the book, however with the book you just get all those details you can't get in the movie.
Since I read the the first and second book back in March/April and I just finished the last book today, I am going to talk a bit more about Mockingjay as it is fresh in my mind. The majority of the action takes place in the the last part of the book. That is the part that had me really hooked, the part I spent this afternoon reading. There is some action in the first two parts as well.
Small Spoilers ahead for those who have not read the book.
The author ties up most loose ends in this last book. The love triangle of Katniss, Gale and Peeta is resolved. You find out who lives and who dies (with the exception of Caesar Flickerman , I don't recall a mention of what happens to him). The one thing the author never clearly states is who really was behind the bombings that happen at the very end of the book. She leaves it up to the readers to decided for themselves. I won't say anymore cause I do not want to give anything away if you have not read the book.
I also want to mention how I liked the scene at the end of Mockingjay between Katniss and Buttercup the cat. I didn't expect it and thought it was touching. Of course I love cats so this scene would stick out for me.
What did you think of this series and/or the movie?
Till Next Time. :)
Sinful Colors, Hazard. A bright fun color for summer. Hey, its not over yet! ;)
Till next time. :)
So proud of myself, I saved more than I spent! My total was $18.37. My total savings was $19.46.
I saw in the flyer for this week that Organix hair care is buy one get one free. This brand tends to be on the more expensive side so this is a great deal. When I got to the store I saw they had bottles with 50% more for the same price as the smaller bottles. I got the rejuvenating cherry blossom ginseng shampoo and conditioner, which smells awesome by the way. I paid $6.99 for a 19.5fl.oz. bottle and got one free.
Next I saw Herbal essences was 2 for 5. Just so happened that I had a $3 off when you buy 2 coupon. So I got the the shampoo and conditioner for a $1 each. Awesomeness again. I got the the volumizing shampoo & conditioner in passion flower sunrise, bottle size 10.17 fl.oz.
I also picked a bottle of Garnier Fructis anti-dandruff shampoo & conditioner in one. It was also one sale $1.50 off so I ended up paying $3.99, for a 13 fl oz bottle.
Last thing I picked up is not shampoo but it was another buy one get one free deal so I couldn't pass it up. It is the Softsoap deep cleansing Sea Mineral hand soap. I love the way it smells. This was $3.99 and I got one free. 8.5 fl oz bottle.
Rite Aid sometimes has some really awesome deals (especially combined with coupons). Some weeks theres nothing to exciting so you just have to keep a eye on the flyers to catch when they do.
If any of the sales I mentioned interest you, they will be on till August 11th.
Till next time. :)