Fall is officially here! I wanted to share some of the reasons why I think this season rocks!
The weather starts to change. It is no longer that unbearable can't stand to be outside hot but yet its not yet that unbearable can't stand to be outside cold. Temps in the 70s/60s, yes please. Perfect to enjoy all the great outside fall activities.
Tea time. With the weather cooling down it is the perfect time to start drinking hot tea again. I love both hot and ice tea but tend to stick with iced during the summer since drinking hot tea just makes me even hotter (always wondered about those people who will drink hot coffee/tea on a 90 degree day). There is just something about sitting down with a good book and a mug of hot tea. Going to add hot chocolate, hot coffee, and soup here as well. All hot beverages/foods I tend to skip in the hot summer months but welcome back into my life as the weather turns cooler.
Fall clothes. After 3 to 4 months of shorts, tanks, and flip flops by the end of August I can't wait to break out my jeans, sweaters, and boots. Also doesn't hurt that all the stores start to put out there awesome fall clothes (great excuse to go shopping). It is a similar excitement in the spring when I take out my summer clothes that have been packed away for months. Rediscovering my wardrobe. Many times I find things that I had forgotten I owned. Plus I can finally start wearing those awesome items that I picked up when they were on clearance in the spring/summer.
Fall TV. You gotta love the fall TV season. After a summer full of mostly reruns most (except those that start mid-season like Smash :( ) shows start up again with new episodes come the fall season. Also this time of year brings a bunch of new shows and while many will end up cancelled there are usually a few gems.
What returning/new shows are you looking forward to?
Apple Picking ( & cider donuts). I only went once about 5/6 years ago, but I loved it. Not only was there apple picking but there was also a corn maze, and haunted house and you could buy fall treats such as apple cider and cider donuts, love me some cider donuts. Many places also have hayrides and farm animals. I have never been pumpkin picking but that sounds like fun as well. I am not a huge apple person but I do like apple pie and apple picking is a great excuse to make one (or two or three ;) ).
Halloween & Haunted Houses. I love Halloween because I love to dress up! Growing up I wanted to be a actress. I love putting on a costume and being someone else for a night. My bf does a annual Halloween party at his house. Everyone dresses up and we get cool decorations, and yummy candy. We do the whole couple thing and match our costumes. One year we were pirates, then last year I was a flapper and he was a gangster,this year we are still figuring out our costumes. To go along with Halloween another thing I love about this time of year is the haunted houses (not the real kind, the kind were people dress up and jump out at you and try to scare you). My bf and my friends and I all love to go to these. I don't find them that scary but I think its hilarious to walk through and see other peoples reactions. There is always a group of girls who scream at everything. We always end up laughing like crazy going through them and every now and then I will admit I may get a little scared and jump. So freaky when the actors follow behind you. Not sure which ones we are going to this year but we are definitely going to Six Flags Fright Fest since we have season passes.
Would anyone be interested in future blog posts on the haunted houses I go to this year?
My Anniversary with My BF. So this is a personal reason. I met and started dating my bf during the fall so our anniversary falls ( no pun intended! haha ) in the fall. We usually go away for a few days to celebrate.
What are your favorite things about fall? Let me know in the comments below.
Till next time. :)
Ulta Haul
So this was definitely not a planned haul. I went to 2 Ultas over the weekend because I have had my eye on one thing, the Benefit Ultamate Sexy Six Starter Set. I ended up leaving with three additional makeup items. Its Ulta, it is so hard not to! :) So my bf and I went to the first Ulta and he actually wanted to go because he was looking for a electric razor (which he got). They were out of the Benefit Starter Set at that Ulta so I ended up looking at some of the drugstore brands makeup. I got 2 things from Rimmel London (this is my first time trying this brand). It was buy one get one for 50% off so I figured I might as well get a second thing for 5o% off. I got a blush called Autumn Catwalk, which is a very pretty trio of blendable blushes and a highlighter. I haven't tried it yet so we shall see. I also got a lip gloss, I almost got a lipstick but I tend to wear lip glosses more. I wanted a darker fall shade since many of my glosses are neutral. I ended up with a shimmery berry color in Stay Glossy color Captivate Me. I have tried it and it does look very pretty on. Once I wear it more I will get a idea of its staying power and if I want to buy other colors. I might end up buying more Rimmel London products if these products work for me. I notice that this brand is pretty reasonably priced.
We ended up going to the second Ulta (which took a bit of convincing on my part to get my bf to go since he had already got his razor). I really wanted to see if they had the Benefit Starter set and I was happy to find that they did. I saw this in my Ulta flyer and have been eyeing it ever since. For $24 you get six of Benefit bestselling products in travel/trial sizes. I have never used any Benefit products so I thought this would be a great way for me to try the different products and see if I like any of them enough to buy the full size versions. Plus it comes in handy to have travel size makeup items. I haven't used any of the items yet.
In case your wondering this is what you get in the set:
-posie tint lip & cheek stain
-high beam highlighter
-"that girl" brightening face primer
-Bad gal lash mascara
-Stay Don't Stray primer
-Hoola bronzing powder
The last thing I got was a total impulse buy. I saw it at the first Ulta but I didn't get it. Then I saw it again at the second Ulta and they only had a few left. So I am standing there trying to justify buying both the starter set and this stila palette. My bf got tired of waiting so he goes outside.When I come out after I pay he goes goes "you got both didn't you". I just couldn't put one back. I got the stila not so nude collectible palette for $20. Not sure if this is new or not but this was the first time I have seen it. It has 6 eye shadows, 1 all over shimmer, and 1 convertible color. One of the awesome things about this palette is that it is a great size for travel. It also has a little mirror in it. The eye shadows are sugar, fawn, barefoot, buff, mink, dolce. the all over shimmer is in kitten, and convertible color is in lily. Just noticed some of the eye shadows are very similar if not the same as the ones in the in the moment palette. So the not so nude palette will probably end up being my go to palette for travel since its smaller and thinner than my in the moment palette. Again I have yet to try the palette. I have not worn any makeup for the past 2 days.
A closer look at the palette.
If anyone would like swatches and/or reviews on the products once I have tried them let me know and I will be more than happy to do a blog post on it. :)
I also finally bought myself a new brush (very much long over do) but I forgot to take a picture.
Till next time. :)
Hello all, thought I would share some of my recent beauty buys/purchases. Includes some makeup items, some nail polishes, two perfumes and a random hair accessory. All these items were accumulated over a few weeks.
I will start with makeup.
I repurchased Maybelline Mega Plush Volume Express mascara (waterproof) in very black. Mine was getting dried up and I had been using it since I originally purchased it in June so it was time for a repurchase. I really like Maybelline mascaras.
Urban Decay eyeshadow primer potion in original. I had been using a primer I got from NYC line, but I really wanted to try the Urban Decay one since I have seen it used in so many YouTube videos. I have been using it for a few weeks now and so far so good.
Next up is Wet n Wild Walking on Eggshells eye shadow trio. BudgetBeautiful on YouTube mentioned this product in her August Favorites video and since it is only $2.99 I had to check it out. I tried it out today for the first time and my first impression is I like it. I think they will be great neutral colors I can wear to work.
And lastly is Maybelline Color Tattoo in Barely Beige. I read about the limited edition Color Tattoo shadows on a few beauty blogs, especially this color. This color caught my interest as well since the only thing I have close to such a neutral color is the CoverGirl Shadowblast in Beige Blaze and I find that one just alright, I don't really like the whole wand application. So I happened to see it at my Rid Aid one day when I had stopped in to get something else ( I almost didn't see it). They only had one left so I grabbed it. I am glad I did. I really like the color, its the perfect neutral eye color for me to wear to work when I don't want to skip shadow but I don't wanna look like I am wearing a ton of eye makeup.
A closer look at the shadows.
Next up nail polish. I haven't used any of these polishes yet.
I picked up two more Sinful Colors polishes. A matte white called Snow Me White. I figured a basic white is a good color to have on hand. I wanna get a basic black polish too ( 9/8/12 update:While at Target tonight I picked up the black Sinful Colors polish called Black on Black). Then I picked up the sparkly All About You because it reminded me of China Glaze Electrify from The Hunger games collection which I was sad I missed that collection. I also picked up a Maybelline Color Show polish in Impeccable Grey because I really wanted to try their polishes. I picked up a Sally Hansen Strengthening Top Coat because I wanted to try another type of top coat.
Next I picked up 2 perfumes recently.
Purr and Curious
I picked up Katy Perry's Purr in a roller ball because I wanted something I could put in my purse and because I wanted to try the scent and see if I liked enough to buy the regular bottle of it. I am currently looking for a new scent, so if anyone has any suggestions send them my way. I also picked up a 1.7 fl oz bottle of Britney Spear's Curious. I had the big bottle of this fragrance when it first came out. I remember liking it back then and re-smelling it now I still like it. I had to toss my big bottle of it though cause it sat in my room at home unused when I went away to college and when I got finally moved back home it wasn't any good and I think the spray part was broken as well. So I got myself a small bottle of it at Tj Maxx cause it was cheap. Love the bottle too.
And lastly I got a hair accessory when I was at Walmart.
They had a 2 pack of the ribbon hair ties for only $2. 9/8/12 update: tonight at Target I noticed that they had a 3 pack of these hair ties 2 packs for $5 (not the $5 each as I had thought) or 1 for $2.50. I picked up 2 packs of them even though I still have yet to try them. Hopefully I will like them and they are as good as everyone on YouTube says. They definitely look prettier than just a plain old elastic hair tie.
What are some of your recent beauty buys?
I figured I would add this to this post since its only a few things. On Saturday along with going to Target I also stopped into Bath & Body Works. I had been waiting for their full line of fall scents to come out cause I wanted to get a fall scented lotion for my bathroom. After smelling all the scents I ended up going with the scent that had already been out for like a month, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin. I had a coupon for a free small mini candle so I picked up one in Leaves. I also had a coupon for a free sample size lotion of their new scent Cashmere Glow so I also picked that up as well. Just put some on now and the scent is pretty nice. I love these size lotions cause they are perfect for your purse. Plus you can't go wrong with free. The best way to know when they are going to offer a coupon for a free sample lotion is to like them on Facebook. You can claim it and they email you the coupon, and then you can just show them on your phone the coupon, you don't have to print it out.
Till next time. :)
Hello all, fall movies post. First are two movies that I am really excited to see:
This Is 40 (Dec. 21)
The sort of sequel to Knocked Up, staring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann, directed by Judd Apatow.
The movie follows Rudd and Mann's characters from Knocked Up as they face that big life event, turning 40. I thought Knocked Up was hilarious and I love Paul Rudd and pretty much all of his movies. So when I heard about they were making this movie I was very happy.
Les Miserables (Dec. 14)
The movie based on the 1980s stage musical, which was based on Victor Hugo's novel staring Hugh Jackson, Russell Crowe, and Anne Hathaway, directed by Tom Hooper.
So I have never seen the musical (or read the novel) but my mom had the soundtrack to the musical and (this is going back awhile ago) I ended up listening to it and really liking it. I also remember watching Dawson Creek when I was like 14/15 and hearing Joey ( Katie Holmes) sing "On My Own" in a episode. I am excited to be able to see the story along with hearing the songs.
It would take me forever to talk about each of the movies I wanna see. So I am just going to list the ones I hope to catch in the theaters (or watch on DVD if I miss it in theaters).
* Looper (Sept. 28)
* The Words (Sept. 7)
* The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Sept 14)
* End of Watch (Sept. 21)
* Bachelorette (Sept. 7)
* Argo (Oct. 12)
* Cloud Atlas (Oct. 26)
*Taken 2 (Oct. 5)
* Wreck-It Ralph ( Nov. 2)
* The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 ( Nov. 16)
* Silver Linings Playbook ( Nov 21)
* The Guilt Trip (Dec. 25)
* The Impossible (Dec. 21)
* Django Unchained (Dec. 25)
* On The Road (Dec. 21)
* Parental Guidance ( Dec. 25)
What fall movies are you looking forward to seeing?
Till next time. :)
P.S. Release dates in parentheses are subject to change.