So this was definitely not a planned haul. I went to 2 Ultas over the weekend because I have had my eye on one thing, the Benefit Ultamate Sexy Six Starter Set. I ended up leaving with three additional makeup items. Its Ulta, it is so hard not to! :) So my bf and I went to the first Ulta and he actually wanted to go because he was looking for a electric razor (which he got). They were out of the Benefit Starter Set at that Ulta so I ended up looking at some of the drugstore brands makeup. I got 2 things from Rimmel London (this is my first time trying this brand). It was buy one get one for 50% off so I figured I might as well get a second thing for 5o% off. I got a blush called Autumn Catwalk, which is a very pretty trio of blendable blushes and a highlighter. I haven't tried it yet so we shall see. I also got a lip gloss, I almost got a lipstick but I tend to wear lip glosses more. I wanted a darker fall shade since many of my glosses are neutral. I ended up with a shimmery berry color in Stay Glossy color Captivate Me. I have tried it and it does look very pretty on. Once I wear it more I will get a idea of its staying power and if I want to buy other colors. I might end up buying more Rimmel London products if these products work for me. I notice that this brand is pretty reasonably priced.
We ended up going to the second Ulta (which took a bit of convincing on my part to get my bf to go since he had already got his razor). I really wanted to see if they had the Benefit Starter set and I was happy to find that they did. I saw this in my Ulta flyer and have been eyeing it ever since. For $24 you get six of Benefit bestselling products in travel/trial sizes. I have never used any Benefit products so I thought this would be a great way for me to try the different products and see if I like any of them enough to buy the full size versions. Plus it comes in handy to have travel size makeup items. I haven't used any of the items yet.
In case your wondering this is what you get in the set:
-posie tint lip & cheek stain
-high beam highlighter
-"that girl" brightening face primer
-Bad gal lash mascara
-Stay Don't Stray primer
-Hoola bronzing powder
The last thing I got was a total impulse buy. I saw it at the first Ulta but I didn't get it. Then I saw it again at the second Ulta and they only had a few left. So I am standing there trying to justify buying both the starter set and this stila palette. My bf got tired of waiting so he goes outside.When I come out after I pay he goes goes "you got both didn't you". I just couldn't put one back. I got the stila not so nude collectible palette for $20. Not sure if this is new or not but this was the first time I have seen it. It has 6 eye shadows, 1 all over shimmer, and 1 convertible color. One of the awesome things about this palette is that it is a great size for travel. It also has a little mirror in it. The eye shadows are sugar, fawn, barefoot, buff, mink, dolce. the all over shimmer is in kitten, and convertible color is in lily. Just noticed some of the eye shadows are very similar if not the same as the ones in the in the moment palette. So the not so nude palette will probably end up being my go to palette for travel since its smaller and thinner than my in the moment palette. Again I have yet to try the palette. I have not worn any makeup for the past 2 days.
If anyone would like swatches and/or reviews on the products once I have tried them let me know and I will be more than happy to do a blog post on it. :)
I also finally bought myself a new brush (very much long over do) but I forgot to take a picture.
Till next time. :)
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